$ openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in server.crt | openssl md5 $ openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in server.key | openssl md5 And the results are both the same, so it seems that the key and the certificate do match!? My site configuration contains the folowing for SSL set-up:

Customer Support > Install Certificate > Apache . To install your SSL Certificate, perform the following steps: 1. Copy the certificate into a shell text editor and the file as "mydomain.crt" Replace or renew the SSL certificate A renewal certificate is created, based on the existing (stock) ssl.key file. Optional: At the command prompt, run the following command to verify the attributes in an SSL certificate. openssl x509 -text -noout -in .crt; Run the following commands to install the certificate and key: Convert a Certificate File to PKCS#12 Format server.crt server.csr server.key. The CRT file contains the SSL certificate that was returned by the CA. The CSR file is the original certificate signing request file and is not needed. The KEY file contains the private key. Prerequisites. Verify that OpenSSL is installed on the system.

Jul 09, 2019

Get SSL Certificate from Server (Site URL) - Export Option Description-connect HOST:PORT: The host and port to connect to-servername NAME: The TLS SNI (Server Name Indication) extension (website) certificate.crt Troubleshoot SSL Issues - Bitnami

Solved: what is server.CRT and CA.crt while importing

Import third Party SSL certificates and convert PFX Using Third-Party SSL Certificate for Secured Communication Description. Desktop Central allows you to use third-party SSL certificates for enabling secured communication between Desktop Central and Agent. Copy SSL Cert - Windows Server to Apache These instructions explain how to export an SSL certificate installed on a Microsoft server for importing to an Apache server. The SSL certificate file is exported as a .crt and .key file and includes the intermediate certificate. If you need your SSL certificate in a .pfx format, please see ssl - Get angular-cli to ng serve over HTTPS - Stack Overflow