DD-WRT’s highly optimized drivers for Atheros® based radios allow building up reliable wireless network infrastructures based on different hardware platforms. Depending on the hardware deployed DD-WRT driven routers can bridge distances more than 50 km while allowing state of the art encryption.
WORKING - DIR-615 D4 wireless repeater bridge - dd-wrt.com Nov 11, 2012 DD-WRT Router Guide | How to install DD-WRT & configure Jul 19, 2016 No Repeater option on dd-wrt. : DDWRT
WORKING - DIR-615 D4 wireless repeater bridge - dd-wrt.com
Recommended DD-WRT settings - The Silicon Underground
DD-WRT Guest Wireless - Alex Laird
Secondary Router (For the Bridge): WRT54G V3 — DD-WRT V23 SP1 Firmware — — which I changed to in my setup (I’m guessing that the Primary Router could be any make and model of wireless router as we’re not doing anything to it!)