The lower one's ping is, the lower the latency is and the less lag the player will experience. High ping and low ping are commonly used terms in online gaming, where high ping refers to a ping that causes a severe amount of lag; while any level of ping may cause lag, severe lag is usually indicated by a ping of over 100 ms.

An acceptable ping is around the 40ms-60ms mark or lower. A speed of over 100ms shows a noticeable delay and over 170 some games will reject your connection entirely. If you have, say a 10ms ping (0.01 seconds), your gameplay will seem faster and smoother than playing with 100ms, for example. It really depends on what game you are playing. A slower but still workable ping is 100-150msbut anything over 150msis definitely going to result in a noticeable lag causing a lot of frustration. Then you need to rule out ISP issues. You need a stable Internet connection above 2Mbps for the best performance in online gaming and a wired connection is imperative. Jan 24, 2020 · Ping rate and latency. While internet speeds are important for a good online gaming experience, Internet Service Providers generally provide enough speed to handle most games. Slow and/or disruptive gameplay is usually caused by high latency. Ping is a measurement of the time your device takes to get data from an internet server. A high ping rate can make your games unresponsive to your commands or reduce the frame rates. In order to have a reactive and smooth gaming experience you need a low ping rate.

What is a good ping for gaming? | Dotcom-Monitor Tools Blog

Best DNS Server For Gaming (Lower Ping?) - YouTube Jun 03, 2018 What is ping/latency and how does it impact gaming

Oct 22, 2018

Dec 25, 2019 · In online gaming, there two terms on ping: high ping and low ping. High ping causes more lag and low ping causes less lag in playing an online game. Any levels of ping can cause lag in playing an online game. But if you have a ping speed less than 100ms, you are not supposed to face any lag if you have proper download and upload speed. Here are some bottom line figures on what’s good and bad latency for gaming: Any ping time under 20 milliseconds is usually considered excellent and any ping time between 20 and 50 milliseconds is considered good. What is a good ping for gaming depends on the type of game you are playing. In BF2 small forces, 145 ms is the ideal ping rate but for Wolfenstein enemy territory, 20 to 30 is better. The rate of ping depends on games. Ping is all realtive to your connection, and the server you are playing on. I would consider a ping of less than 50 as good. Less then a hundred, as decent. ANd less then 150 as the end of ok Jan 02, 2020 · There are a lot of questions and debate on the internet communities on what is a good ping. Ideally, you’re aiming at 50 to 100 ms range. Anything above that range like; 200, 500 or 1200 is indeed a terrible ping time. The longer the number, the worst your online gaming performance will be. The speed test is another good option that includes a latency measurement, and if you'd like, SpeedSmart's speed test lets you measure the ping to servers all over the globe. In general though I would go with these rules of thumb: less than 50ms ping is really good, less than 100ms ping is good to average, 150ms is where you are going to start having problems with games, and above 150 ms ping you may experience lag and such in games. How many Mbps do I need for gaming?